Find the Power of a Number in Javascript

Find the Power of a Number in Javascript

We will discuss two methods to solve this problem using Javascript

Hi everyone today we Find the Power of a Number in Javascript. let's discuss how to solve this problem statement. if you want to check out yesterday's problem click here.

Given two integers as the number and power inputs, the objective is to raise the number input to the power input and print the value.

  • Method 1: Without While Loop

  • Method 2: With While Loop

Method 1: Without While Loop


  • step 1: Define the main function.

  • step 2: Declare and initialize the base variable to 1.5.

  • step 3: Declare and initialize the expo1 variable to 2.5.

  • step 4: Declare and initialize the expo2 variable to -2.5.

  • step 5: Declare the res1 and res2 variables without initializing them.

  • step 6: Use the Math.pow method to calculate the result of base raised to the power of expo1 and assign the result to res1.

  • step 7: Use the Math.pow method to calculate the result of base raised to the power of expo2 and assign the result to res2.

  • step 8: Use console.log to output the value of base raised to the power of expo1 in the format base ^ expo1 = res1.

  • step 9: Use console.log to output the value of base raised to the power of expo2 in the format base ^ expo2 = res2.

  • step 10: Call the main function to execute the code.

Javascript Code

function main() {
  let base = 1.5;
  let expo1 = 2.5;
  let expo2 = -2.5;
  let res1, res2;

  // calculates the power
  res1 = Math.pow(base, expo1);
  res2 = Math.pow(base, expo2);
  console.log(base + " ^ " + expo1 + " = " + res1);
  console.log(base + " ^ " + expo2 + " = " + res2);



2 ^ 2 = 4

2 ^ -2 = 0.25

Method 2: With While Loop


  • step 1: Define the main function.

  • step 2: Declare and initialize the base variable to 1.5.

  • step 3: Declare and initialize the expo variable to 2.

  • step 4: Declare and initialize the res variable to 1.0.

  • step 5: Enter a while loop that runs while expo is not equal to 0.

  • step 6: Multiply the value of res by the value of base and assign the result to res.

  • step 7: Decrement the value of expo by 1.

  • step 8: End the while loop.

  • step 9: Use console.log to output the value of res in the format "Result = " + res.

  • step 10:Call the main function to execute the code.

Javascript Code

function main() {
  let base = 2;
  // Works only when exponent is positive integer
  let expo = 2;
  let res = 1.0;

  while (expo !== 0) {
    res *= base;

  console.log("Result = " + res);



Result = 4


So this article we solved the problem statement using javascript language. I hope you found this article helpful for your web development journey.

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  • Hashnode - Gaurav Patil

  • Twitter - @GauravYPatil